Happy New Year!

2023… I like how that sounds (and it means I’m still here, breathing).

Ah, and all the resolutions. Getting fit, taking it easier on drinking, smoking, cleaning up our acts, and reflecting on all that we can do better. Sounds like a lot of fun, doesn’t it?

Personally, I’m trying to keep it simple. I figure this way, I may actually follow through with my intentions.

I’d like to start with a blanket statement: “I Don’t Know” I really, a lot of times, honestly just don’t.

This is actually a very positive thing. Think about it, how many times in a conversation about a subject you really don’t have much experience or knowledge about, say “yeah, I know,” or nod your head in agreement? “Hey, did you hear about the so and so whatever, blah, blah… “Yeah, I know,” you say.

Well, the actual thing you did there is shut the door to knowing something you don’t already know. Out of habit, ego, or social pressure, you just lied. Really, it’s a straight-up lie you just did there. And on top of that, you minimized something that could be interesting.

I’m making a conscious effort to embrace “I Don’t Know.” I’m going to look at it as a new doorway I’d like to enter and learn something I didn’t know. That doorway may lead to a new hallway I never knew existed, and that new hallway could lead to new doors I never had access to.

You see where I’m going with this.

Embrace the mystery, the “not knowing.” That’s a powerful way to learn and grow. Nobody knows anything when they’re born, nobody! Eddie Van Halen had no idea how to play guitar at one point, right? Wrap your head around that one!

We’re all hacks at one point or another.

Stay curious, let your ego take the back seat once in a while, and see what happens.

Maybe, but I still don’t know, and that’s a good thing.