I will be candid; writing this blog you’re reading right now is very uncomfortable for me. This is not something I seek out, feel like I’m very good at, nor is it natural or comfortable.

I suppose it’s only natural to avoid discomfort, even if that discomfort leads to growth. It’s probably built into our DNA over time through human evolution. No doubt modern humans living in the first world have it pretty damn good. We can afford to seek “comfortable” and “easy” things. We have food, clothing, and shelter, and we know we’ll go to bed content, well-fed, and safe.

But what’s the cost of this constant comfort seeking?

Maybe we can look at our anatomy for some clues. We know to live fully, stay fit and be healthy, we must work our bodies. We have to get uncomfortable to keep things working well… No pain, no gain, right?

It seems to me that this fundamental principle would also apply to other parts of our lives. Avoiding discomfort in life may be the exact opposite of personal growth and good health.

Maybe when you’re moving toward something that you dream of, that very uncomfortable feeling you’re getting indicates that you’re on the right path. It very well could be that what’s making you uncomfortable is actually the excellent stuff and is worth giving everything you’ve got to push through. That discomfort leads to growth.

I’m trying to look at writing this blog right now as the “good stuff” because the act of writing it is not comfortable or fun for me. I will work this blog writing muscle out and see if the words I’m spewing here can hold water. 

What is holding you back? What growth do you want to attain, and what is uncomfortable in that process? 

I’m working on being comfortable with being uncomfortable.