Do you get the feeling modern culture has an unhealthy obsession with “Perfection”?

Ever stop to think about what perfection actually is; I mean in the context of life and living it?

In reality, perfection is fictional, it’s made up & doesn’t actually exist, it’s just an idea. There is nothing in this world that is truly “perfect” is there?  To me, It feels like such a losing game to play, and even more so when you realize you’ve been chasing this crazy logic all your life!

I’ve just finished a very inspiring book by Ryan Holiday (highly recommend!); The Obstacle is the Way  He really got me thinking about my life and my creative approach in particular. I admit that I have a strong perfectionistic way of living and working, and if I’m honest with myself I don’t think this has ever helped me. For sure It has never helped my happiness, that’s a fact!

Holiday’s basic concept is that the obstacles faced in life are actually the things that have true power to teach you and help you grow. I realize that my perfectionistic mindset almost always either runs away, sneaks around, or tries to avoid obstacles, I have never been able to see them as a positive power.

Wow… what a LOT of missed opportunities for growth!

I’ve been having these epiphanies lately; paying more attention to my weaknesses, my technical shortcomings, and my flaws. I have always looked at them as obstacles that need to be fixed (perfected), avoided, embarrassed by, or even hidden so nobody will ever know. What I was missing is these are the things that make me, “me”. To a huge degree, I have been avoiding my own personal uniqueness, the things that really make things interesting.

In so many ways, these are the things that make an “individual”, a unique human.

Letting go of the perfection trap and being “OK” with myself. Having the courage to look at my limitations, flaws, idiosyncrasies, and strangeness (yes strangeness, sorry to say we are all strange). The things I may not necessarily like or want to admit to. That’s where amazing power exists; it’s in these personal quirks, this is the true power of individuality… Using limitations as power.

The creative process is so full of crazy self-examination, introspection, and internal and external criticism… Sadly a lot of self-damage is often the result.

How messed-up is that??!!!

I’m learning that my creative and technical weaknesses are something to foster, something to work toward understanding and growing; using my limitations as power. The most satisfying work I’ve recently done has been by letting myself go, getting (trying to at least!) out of my own way & allowing my personal style to be “itself”. Letting myself be me, and most importantly being ok with that.

That’s where the magic lives, and I intend to feed and care for it with more awareness and intention.

Here’s to being you, and using your limitations as power!

Please share your thoughts, and check out Holiday’s amazing book.
